A large part of my dayjob involves writing web applications. We deal with a reasonable amount of data, most of which is stored in a PostgreSQL database. Object Relational Mappers (ORMs) are a great tool to help with that: they allow you to forget all about SQL, instead allowing you pretend you are just dealing with standard objects. And if you are using Python chances you you will be using the swiss army knife of SQL for python: SQLAlchemy. Perhaps I should say swiss army battallion - SQLAlchemy is just that good. Recently I had an interesting challenge though: instead of using the SQLALchemy ORM to generate SQL I had to do the opposite: turn a SQL expression into a SQLAlchemy expression. Doing this involved two challenges: parsing SQL, and turning the result into a SQLAlchemy expression.

Step 1: Parsing SQL

Luckily my problem was fairly constrained: I did not need to parse all SQL constructs, but only basic expressions that check a single row and do not involve subqueries. An example of a expression I have to handle is this: (price<20 OR sale='t') AND colour='black', which should match articles that are either cheap or on sale and come in a very fashionable black. Parsing something like id in (SELECT id FROM othertable WHERE brand='acme') AND price<20 is out of scope luckily. With this constraint it is not to hard to write down a simple grammar and feed that to a parser generator. I ended up picking LEPL because unlike many other toolkits its documentation was understandable, and its syntax is reasonably similar to standard BNF. The resulting parser definition looks like this:

from lepl import *

class Negation(Node):

class ParensExpression(Node):

class Expression(Node):

class BoolList(Node):

class ValueList(Node):

comma = Drop(',')
string = String(quote="'")
integer = Integer() >> int
real = Regexp(r'[+-]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?') >> decimal.Decimal
column = Word(Letter() | '_', Letter() | '_' | Digit()) > 'column'
operation = Literal('=') | Literal('!=') | \
                Literal('<') | Literal('<=') | \
                Literal('>') | Literal('>=') > 'operator'
not_keyword = Regexp('[Nn][Oo][Tt]')
in_keyword = Regexp('[Ii][Nn]')
whitespace = ~Whitespace()[1:]
in_operator = (not_keyword & whitespace)[:1] & in_keyword > 'operator'
logic_operator = Regexp('[Aa][Nn][Dd]') | Regexp('[Oo][Rr]') > 'operator'

value = string | integer | real

with DroppedSpace():
    expression = Delayed()
    value_list = Drop('(') & value[:, comma] & Drop(')') > ValueList
    comparison = column & operation & value > Expression
    one_of = column & in_operator  & value_list > Expression
    parens = Drop('(') & expression & Drop(')') > ParensExpression

    single_expression = Delayed()
    negation = not_keyword & single_expression > Negation
    single_expression += negation | comparison | one_of | parens
    logic_expression = single_expression & logic_operator & expression > BoolList
    expression += logic_expression | single_expression
    sql_expression = expression & Eos()

This is probably not the most optimal spelling ; in particular the way I did case insenstivity for keywords feels quite sub-optimal. Even so it does produce a lovely sql_expression parser that you can use to parse things:

>>> print sql_expression.parse("price<20 OR sale='t'")[0]
 +- Expression
 |   +- column 'price'
 |   +- operator '<'
 |   `- 20
 +- operator 'OR'
 `- Expression
     +- column 'sale'
     +- operator '='
     `- 't'

The output from parsing a string is an abstract syntax tree for the SQL expression. Part one accomplished!

Step 2: generate SQLAlchemy expression

The next step is turning the ast into a SQLAlchemy expression. In order to keep this simple (and easier to test) it makes sense to split this into two compoments: building an expression for a simple operation (for exampe price below 10 euro), and then building the expressions from those operations.

        '=': operator.eq,
        '!=': operator.ne,
        '<': operator.lt,
        '<=': operator.le,
        '>': operator.gt,
        '>=': operator.ge,
        'IN': operator.contains,
        'NOT IN': lambda a, b: not operator.contains(b, a)

def apply_operation(column, operation, value, check_type):
    """Apply an operation against a SQL attribute.

    :param column: column to apply operation to
    :type column: sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute
    :param str operation: operator to apply
    :param value: value(s) to compare column with
    :param check_type: tuple of allowed value types
    :return: SQLalchemy expression instance

    The check_type is used to make sure no invalid value types are used:

    >>> print apply_operation(Article.type, '=', 'coat', basestring)
    article.type = :type_1

    The check_type is used to make sure no invalid value types are used:

    >>> apply_operation(Article.type, '=', 5, basestring)
    TypeError: Bad value type
    if operation in ['IN', 'NOT IN']:
        if not all(isinstance(v, check_type) for v in value):
            raise TypeError('Bad value type')
        op = column.in_(value)
        if operation == 'NOT IN':
            op = sql.not_(op)
        return op
        if not isinstance(value, check_type):
            raise TypeError('Bad value type')
        return _OPERATIONS[operation](column, value)

this takes advantage of the fact that SQLAlchemy uses normal python operations (pulled in here through the operator module) and turns those into its own ColumnElement. The next step is turning an entire ast into a SQLAlchemy construct:

        'AND': sql.and_,
        'OR': sql.or_,

def convert_ast_to_sql_expression(ast):
    """Convert an abstract syntax tree to a SQLAlchemy expression.

    :param ast: Abstract Syntax Tree
    :return: SQLAlchemy expression

    This function takes an abstract syntax tree (AST) as generated by the
    LEPL parser :py:obj:`sql_expression` and converts it to an SQLAlchemy
    expression that can be used to select articles.
    while isinstance(ast, ParensExpression):
        ast = ast[0]

    if isinstance(ast, BoolList):
            operation = _BOOL_OPERATIONS[' '.join(ast.operator).upper()]
        except KeyError:
            raise RuntimeError('Unknown operator found in AST')
        left = convert_ast_to_sql_expression(ast[0])
        right = convert_ast_to_sql_expression(ast[2])
        return operation(left, right)
    elif isinstance(ast, Expression):
        column = ast.column[0]
        operation = ' '.join(ast.operator).upper()
        value = ast[2]
        if column == 'id':
            return apply_operation(Article.id, operation, value, int)
        elif column == 'price':
            return apply_operation(Article.price, operation, value,
                    (int, decimal.Decimal))
            return apply_operation(getattr(Article, column), operation, value,
    elif isinstance(ast, Negation):
        return sql.not_(convert_ast_to_sql_expression(ast[0]))
        raise RuntimeError('Unexpected AST node type')

Step 3: a simple API

With all the base logic in place the last step was creating a simple function to do what I initially set out to do: convert a string with a SQL expression to a SQLAlchemy expression.

def sql_to_sqlalchemy(flt):
    """Convert a SQL expression to a SQLAlchemy query.

    :param unicode flt: SQL expression
    :return: SQLAlchemy expression
    if not flt:
        return None

        ast = sql_expression.parse(flt)[0]
    except FullFirstMatchException:
        raise ValueError('Invalid SQL expression.')

    return convert_ast_to_sql_expression(ast)