I am person who loves to learn new things and craft software. See my profile for details or if you want to hire me.

Dark mode for a Hugo site with syntax highlighting

Everyone seems to be doing it, so I wanted to try it as well: adding support for dark mode to this site. Thanks to my use of CSS variables this was very easy to do (after a slight refactoring of my CSS).

Getting a dark mode working for syntax highlighting in Hugo was a little bit more work, but I did find a very simple trick to accomplish that.

Monitoring Kubernetes with Sentry

TLDR: I made k8s-sentry, an application to capture events and pod failures from your Kubernetes cluster in Sentry.

I have been playing with Kubernetes deployments recently, but found myself often missing some critical events such as pods running out of memory. Normally I use Sentry to track and create alerts for application errors, so it made sense to apply that here as well. After testing some existing kubernetes-sentry tools I ended up writing a new tool to capture events and pod failures in your Kubernetes cluster in Sentry: k8s-sentry.

Lingua 3.6: improved template handling and a new extraction API

Lingua is a Python package that helps you find translatable texts in your code, and generate POT-file for them. Think of it as xgettext on steroids for Python.

Since the last time I wrote about Lingua a lot has happened. Most significantly support for message contxts has been added, which can be used today in Pyramid applications, more information is provided for translators, and a new API for creating extraction plugins has been added.

Lingua 2.4 released

This is a bugfix release which fixes several problems reported by users.

Lingua is a Python package that helps you find translateable texts in your code, and generate POT-file for them. Think of it as xgettext on steroids for Python.

Get your REST on

TL;DR: rest_toolkit is a new framework to create REST applications, build using Pyramid.

For two recent projects involved implementing a REST service. The experience of doing that led me to create a new simple but extendible toolkit for buidling REST applications. Want to see how simple? This is a full REST application:

class Greeting(object):
    def __init__(self, request):

def show_root(root, request):
    return {'message': 'Hello, world'}


Lingua 2 released

This new release was planned for a long time: initial plans were made a long time ago, and development was started it at the Pyramid NOLA sprint last February. Since I just finished a project and am looking for new work I had some time to finally finish Lingua 2.

Lingua is a Python package that helps you find translateable texts in your code, and generate POT-file for them. This version incudes significant improvements in processing Python and HTML files. This release also shifts Lingua from working as a Babel extraction plugin to being a standalone tool. This made it possible to work around several limitations and bugs the Babel framework enforced.

Task queues

When writing a web application or REST backend I occasionally run into a common problem: sometimes I need to do things that will take a while: sending a push notification to mobile apps, generating emails or doing an expensive calculation. Doing this immediately would result in very long response times, which is not acceptable. That means I need a way to offload those to something else. This is where task queues come in: they allow you to submit a task for out-of-band processing. There are multiple tools that do this, but all of them suffer from one or more design flaws that makek them harder to use in non-trivial systems. This document tries to address a few requirements and looks at how existing frameworks try to address them.

Allowing unicode ids in Zope

Back when Zope was written Python did not support unicode. This is still reflected in the policy for object ids in Zope: they must be pure ASCII. I recently started wondering what it would bring Zope a bit closer to the future and make it support UTF-8 ids. It turns out that this is doable without too much effort.

Developing for the browser

In a recent blog post Andy Mckay asked if javascript apps are ready for business. Having recently spent a fair amount of writing JavaScript I think I can answer that question. Unfortunately the answer at this point in time is a resounding no.

SQLalchemy in reverse

When using data in a relational database you often use an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) so you can pretend that you are only dealing with standard objects instead of having to deal with SQL directly. The ORM will then generate SQL automatically for you, and magically turn query results into objects again. For a recent project I had to do the exact reverse: turn a SQL expression into a SQLAlchemy construct.

Doing this required building a parser for SQL expressions to generate a syntax tree, and then converting the syntax tree into a SQLAlchemy expression.